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Creating Long-Term Value Passive Way
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About Passive Coin Section

About Passive Coin Project
Passive Coin is a small crypto-currency born in September 2017, with a limited quantity of 500,000 tokens of ERC20 type, based on Ethereum network. Our project is lead by Mr. Dariusz Kudlaty, crypto-enthusiast, web content developer and online marketer. His Bitcointalk forum profile is Passive Coin.
Initially, we planned to issue 1 Million units of Passive Coin. But after careful consideration, we decided to issue only 500,000 coins as we believe limited issuance (supply) will boost the long-term value of our coin. Small is beautiful!
In order to boost Passive Coin's long-term value, we will passively maintain an in-house Backing Fund, composed of some top crypto-currencies and promising coins, tokens and digital assets.
The concept of a currency backing fund, similar to the "gold standard", is not a new one. Even official central banks keep reserves in gold, good currencies and other valuable assets.
It seems an awesome idea to implement such backing reserves concept into the crypto-world.
Why the Passive Coin Name?
Firstly, or let's say frankly, we dislike hard work. From day number one (Passive Coin's birthday), Mr. Dariusz is constantly looking for passive earning possibilities that would keep the necessity of working hard to earn money, out of his mind.
The Passive (coin) name simply means passive growth of the value. In our concept, this pertains to the passive growth of our in-house backing fund that will leverage the value of Passive Coin.
Passive simplicity is one of our main goal. A passively managed and passively growing Backing Fund simply causes long-term value appreciation of the Passive Coin. Do we need to explain more why we have chosen the perfect name for our coin?
The Inspiration for Passive Coin Project
We are not fans of mining hundreds of different crypto-currencies (alt) issued in supply of hundreds of million coins each. Such coins doesn't have any real future, except to get listed on the exchange, pumped, and then abandoned.
Instead, we prefer to invest in a small bunch of crypto-alts that are backed by sensible product, service or backing fund.
It is in this way that we found the great inspiration for the Passive Coin project, which is Bit20 crypto-currency. Bit20 is in fact a crypto-currency index fund. While we write this words, Bit20 is trading at 2.5x to 3x higher than the value of the index itself.
Amazing performance!
They simply invest "mechanically" into the top-20 crypto-currencies, where capitalization is the strict requirement for the inclusion of a particular crypto-currency into the index fund. This strategy proved well (in the last years) when top coins have gone up furiously, following Bitcoin's appreciation.
Index fund is not a new idea and such financial vehicles already exist for decades. However, these vehicles are new to the crypto world. This led us to the idea of creating a crypto fund that could become a backing vehicle for an independent coin called: Passive Coin. In our opinion, Passive Coin Backing Fund portfolio should be more diversified and include some promising coins.

Passive Coin Goals & Information Section

Passive Coin Three Main Simple Goals
  • Backing Fund - Passive Coin is backed by an in-house Backing Fund, composed of top crypto-currencies (e.g. Bitcoin), promising tokens and digital assets. We will include only coins and tokens that are based on product, service or sensible idea.
  • Creating Long-Term Value - All proceeds from Passive Coin initial sale rounds will go to increase our Backing Fund. As the value of the crypto-currencies, tokens and digital assets grow, the valuation of Passive Coin also improves thus creating long-term value for all Passive Coin holders. This way, we are going to achieve our very main goal, that is, to create passive value growth.
  • Passive Simplicity - A passively managed and passively growing Backing Fund simply causes Passive Coin's long-term value appreciation. We do not plan daily trading. However, if we will see any swift changes or some coins/tokens are artificially pumped, we will act smartly to sell or buy some digital assets. Calmly boosting the value of our backing fund is our main long-term goal.
Big and Small Steps to Achieve Our Goals
  • Social Media Activity - On our journey to promote the Passive Coin project, we started with opening of Passive Coin Facebook Group and Passive Coin Telegram Group. Our Facebook group's membership is growing rapidly every day. However, we are very surprised with the growth of our Passive Coin Twitter Group that is gaining active followers on a regular basis.
  • Bitcointalk Profile - Admin Dariusz is already a very active member of the Bitcointalk forum, establishing presence of Passive Coin project using text, signature and other form of advertising. Please visit our active Bitcointalk profile.
  • Bitcointalk Topic - We opened a Bitcointalk forum topic dedicated to our Passive Coin project. Bitcointalk forum is popular place where Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiasts meet to exchange information and look for new crypto-investment opportunities. Please visit our Passive Coin Bitcointalk topic and support our small project.
  • Crypto-Exchange Listing - After all necessary preparations are over, we will start looking for suitable crypto-currency exchanges in order to list Passive Coin and allow free market trading. This is really tricky task as we have to keep in mind that some exchanges demand enormous listing fees that our small project is unable to pay.
  • Decentralized Crypto-Exchange Listing - In the future, we will look forward to listing our Passive Coin, and all future crypto-coins based on original Passive Coin project, on quality decentralized crypto-exchange(s). We need to be flexible in this matter.
  • Passive Coin Ongoing Marketing & Promotion - We are going to start three other projects in the future that will under the Passive Coin umbrella. It's necessary to follow the never-ending promotion of Passive Coin project, even after the listing on exchanges. Growing Twitter and Facebook groups and growing crypto-currency forums presence will help boost knowledge and long-term confidence in the Passive Coin project.
  • Maintenance of Passive Coin Backing Fund - The basic idea behind Passive Coin is maintaining quality Backing Fund & Reserves, which will cause long-term growing valuation of Passive Coin. We are going to choose and hold the quality classic and promising coins & tokens, with the expectation that our backing fund assets will slowly grow in value. We expect to hold around 10 classic coins ("reliables") and around 10 promising coins/tokens in our portfolio.
  • Passive Coin Low Supply - Maintaining low supply (circulation) of Passive Coin is also a crucial point in our plan. The owner, Mr. Dariusz Kudlaty voluntarily decided that he is going to keep 50,000 of his holding untouched for a year or even longer. 100,000 coins plus unsold coins from additional sale rounds will stay as in-house investments, used as backing capital in future projects under Passive umbrella. This way, we are going to experience the Passive Coin total supply at around 300,000 to 350,000 coins only (in free market circulation). We are sure this will help in increasing Passive Coin valuation, as well.
  • The Next Project Under Passive Brand - We are planning three other projects under Passive brand umbrella. The next project (2018) will hold the name Passive Silver Coin and will be issued in limited supply of 50,000 coins. We will use Passive Coin in-house investment to boost the capital and back this new project. Some Passive Silver Coin stake will be added to Passive Coin Backing Fund, to boost value of the original project. This way, both projects will help each other amazingly.
  • The Future Projects - The future projects under Passive brand umbrella include Passive Gold Coin (5,000 coins supply) and Passive Platinum Coin (500 coins supply). However, it's hard to announce any ETA or any details now. If ever this future projects happen in reality, some of the new coin stakes will be moved to boost the original Passive Coin Backing Fund, for sure.
What Passive Coin Is Not
Crypto-enthusiasts and digital assets collectors, often ask us what makes Passive Coin different from the ocean of other coins and tokens available in the market. Well, we just can say what Passive Coin is NOT, written as shortly as possible.
  • We have not invented any new blockchain technology, nor any new crypto-economic protocol, nor any new decentralized marketplace, etc. We are not selling or planning any product or service that will be based on a cutting-edge technology platform to tokenize something. By the way, we are not going to invent the digital wheel.
  • We are not going to lie to you, using super technical or geeky language. We are sure many of us simply do not understand the product or service those so-called "teams" wants to sell us with their coin or token. Too many projects are promising impressive technical features without the technical know-how to make their claims credible (and that's putting it gently).
  • We are not going to issue our coin and disappear after some months/years.
    We often see a lot of coins that are abandoned, with their websites and teams suddenly disappearing overnight. It's amazing to watch people trading such abandoned coins at major crypto-exchanges. How people can see any value in such coins is a mystery for us.
  • Passive Coin has not any ambition to become major payment gateway, like Bitcoin, etc. Our coin is Ethereum network based, P2P payments are possible between coin holders, if necessary. But, we do not aim to target services that are provided very well, by Bitcoin or other major currencies.
  • We are not going to force you to buy special mining equipment or expensive GPU card, in order to dig our coin. Instead, we offer an eco-friendly "pre-mined" token, using Ethereum smart contract. In our view, too much electricity is wasted by mining hundreds of useless crypto-currencies.
  • Passive Coin project is not a get-rich-quick-scheme nor a high-yeld-investment-program.

Passive Coin Technical Details & Distribution Section

Passive Coin Technical Details
  • Type: Ethereum Token ERC20
  • Name: PASSIVE
  • Fixed Supply: 500,000 coins
  • Symbol: PAS
  • Decimals: 18
  • Smart Contract Address: 0x34453c84b6d18bc285a80e31f6c6395934434e92
  • Blockexplorer - Passive Coin Transfers:
  • Blockexplorer - Passive Coin Holders:
Passive Coin Planned Distribution
Public Sale
Marketing & Buyer's Bounty
In-house Investment
Sale for Owner
Passive Coin Distribution Legend
  • Public Sale - Total number of coins planned for public sale, in initial and additional sale rounds.
  • Marketing & Buyer's Bounty - The planned pool of coins that we are going to distribute for free as buyer's bounty and as marketing & promotion bounty.
  • Investment - Important pool of coins held for investment inside house. We will also use this pool for investment swaps with the future projects, within Passive brand.
  • Corporate - Pool of coins held to help us pay for domain name, hosting and other corporate expenses, in the future.
  • Sale for Owner - Fixed pool dedicated for sale to Dariusz (owner) at the priviledged price of $0.02 @ coin.
We reserve the right to move coins between planned pools without notice and at our sole discretion.

Passive Coin Initial Sale Rounds Section

We are going to sell 200,000 coins in the twelve initial sale rounds.
Additional 90,000 coins are reserved for late crypto-enthusiasts in three additional sale rounds.
Sale Round Number
Sale Round No.1 (for owner)
Sale Round No.2
Sale Round No.3
Sale Round No.4
Sale Round No.5
Sale Round No.6
Sale Round No.7
Sale Round No.8
Sale Round No.9
Sale Round No.10
Sale Round No.11
Sale Round No.12
Price (one coin)
Additional Sale Rounds For Late Crypto-Enthusiasts
After twelve initial sale rounds are over, we are going to list Passive Coin on crypto-exchange.
This last rounds (below) are dedicated for persons who was unable to buy Passive Coins in the previous initial sale rounds (shown above).
All coins from this last sale rounds that are unsold (or partially unsold) will be hold in-house and slowly sold, via exchange or via private placement with discount to market price.
Last Sale Rounds
Last Sale Round No.1
Last Sale Round No.2
Last Sale Round No.3
Price (one coin)
Free Gift Icon Sale Round Icon
BUYER'S BOUNTY Never Ending Bounty for Supporters of Our Project
Please buy Passive Coins in any given initial round and you will receive free bonus coins.
  • Buy 500 to 999 coins - You will receive 20 coins free of charge
  • Buy 1,000 to 1,999 coins - You will receive 50 coins free of charge
  • Buy 2,000 to 2,999 coins - You will receive 75 coins free of charge
  • Buy 3,000 to 4,999 coins - You will receive 100 coins free of charge
  • Buy 5,000 to 9,999 coins - You will receive 200 coins free of charge
  • Buy 10,000+ coins - You will receive 500 coins free of charge
Minimum Order 100 coins.
Buying Passive Coins
By buying Passive Coin tokens, you acknowledge and agree:
  • You are not resident of the United States (and dependent territories), the United Kingdom, Singapore and People's Republic of China, and any other territory (country) where buying Ethereum-based tokens in the initial sale rounds, is prohibited by local law.
  • Passive Coin tokens are not security nor any other financial instrument and should not be considered the traditional investment. Passive Coin is hobby crypto-currency.
  • We do not promise to pay dividends in any form, do not promise any buy-backs, do not promise any kind of remuneration, do not promise any other financial reward concerning buying and holding of Passive Coin tokens.
  • We accept Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) or Ethereum (ETH) as payment. We do not accept any form of payment that involve fiat currencies.
  • We do not accept crypto-currencies (as a payment) that came from any crime activity, money laundering schemes or any other illegal activity.
  • Please read our Legal Disclaimer.
How To Buy Passive Coins?
Currently, you can buy Passive Coin by three sale channels:
Facebook Social Icon
Buy Passive Coin via Facebook
Please join our Facebook Group. Please reply to the pinned sale post or just PM me to reserve some coins for yourself.
Twitter Social Icon Icon
Buy Passive Coin via Twitter
Please join our Twitter Group. Please PM me inside Twitter or write tweet.
Bitcoin Icon
Buy Passive Coin via Bitcointalk Forum
If you are Bitcointalk forum member, please visit Passive Coin Profile, and send us private message.
Please visit our dedicated page Passive Coin Initial Sale Rounds, to check the current situation in this matter.
We reserve the right to change sale channels without notice and at our sole discretion.

Risk Warning, Disclaimer and Final Word Section

Risk Warning
Although the Passive Coin team will fulfill its duties, commitments, due diligence and conscientious management, the following risk will also exist during the operation:
  • Political and Policy Risk - You should be aware that Ethereum crypto-currency and/or tokens based on Ethereum crypto-currency could become forbidden or restricted by local law.
  • Economic Period Risk - World's or local economic events could cause the changes and/or swift price changes in the overall crypto-currencies environment that could cause swift changes in the Passive Coin valuation.
  • Internet Hacker Risk - Passive Coin is a token issued under smart contract based on Ethereum crypto-currency. We cannot predict any events or situations that could damage the Ethereum blockchain. We plan to list Passive Coin on crypto-currency exchange(s). Such exchanges could experience hacker attacks or other technological problems that could cause impact on Passive Coin trading, swift price changes, and/or the possibility to withdraw Passive Coin tokens from the exchange(s).
  • Management Risk - Passive Coin team is poised to implement good management practices. However, some improper decision(s) could cause fluctuations in backing fund valuation, which could have a big impact on Passive Coin valuation itself.
  • Price Fluctuation Risk - Open market environment could cause swift price fluctuations when Passive Coin token hit exchange(s) listing. Some market participants could try to manipulate the price causing loss to other market participants and/or causing unfavourable swift price changes.
  • Other Risk - We simply cannot predict any other situation, which will have impact on Passive Coin valuation or existence.
Disclaimer and Final Word
This document is only used to convey the information. The participants in the buying please carefully read the white paper and all the information provided at our official website in order to comprehensively understand the digital asset nature of Passive Coin. Please notice the potential risks, and fully assess your own risk tolerance and actual situation in order to make rational decisions.
The above information or analysis does not conduct any investment decision or a specific proposal. This document does not conduct any investment advice, investment intention or abetting investment in the form of securities, nor any form of contract or commitment.
Once engaging in the investment, you as a participant needs to clearly understand the risk of the Passive Coin project could experience and accept the risk of the project, and be willing to personally bear all the corresponding results or consequences.
We do not promise to pay any dividends, fixed interest nor promise any asset appreciation for sure.
Passive Coin team expressly disclaims any direct or indirect damages resulting from any participating projects, including:
  • The economic losses by the Passive Coin token(s) holder transaction operation.
  • Any errors, omissions or inaccurate information generated by personal understanding.
  • The loss incurred by the Passive Coin token(s) individual transactions on third-party exchanges and any consequent acts.
  • The loss incurred by the Passive Coin token)s) transfer via Ethereum blockchain network and any consequent acts.
  • The loss incurred by the Passive Coin token(s) preservation at third-party wallet(s) and any consequent acts.
Please read our Legal Disclaimer. Thank you.